Who is God?

Who is God?

Who is God?

Who is God?

Who is God?

Who is God?

Who is God?

Who is God?

Who is God?

This is not the complete answer to the question of, "who is God." That is an answer that takes the entire universe to explain. However, you will learn about the relationship of the various gods and God, as that relationship relates to humans of this Age.

First let's tackle the notion of whether there is one God, in one or more parts, or many gods. The answer is that God is the Creative Consciousness of the Universe, and that God is expressed through many individuals, including humans and other living things. (This is why I use the Hindu greeting "Namaste", essentially, "The God in me salutes the God in you.") The more spiritually evolved a being is, the more they are connected to what the Hindus call "The Divine Ground," which is the consciousness of God. However, the consciousness of God is also the combined will of evolved spiritual individuals, the more evolved having the most influence over the grander aspects of creation. I realize this may be difficult for some to understand, how can God both be one and many, a collective yet many individuals, but those with wisdom will discern its meaning with due study. They share the same will, often, not because they are "brainwashed" into it, but because the decisions of the Divine are benevolent, logical and wise, so they are usually in agreement.

What a god is, therefore, is relative to who is asking. If a human is asking, they may perceive anyone who is more connected to the divine than themselves as gods. Indeed, many people have declared their political leaders or religious leaders to be God or gods because they reached a level of enlightenment beyond those people, or more often were just able to convince the people that the leaders were more enlightened. So, many of the gods of this age have been Ancients since the humans of this age perceived the Ancients to be god-like in comparison. In some cases, the Ancients spoke with the actual authority of God, but most of the time they were simply benevolent advanced beings who were connected enough to God that they rarely acted contrary to the overall will of the Divine. In fact, praying to them and making offerings to them is the same as praying to God, since they are granted that station for now. Yet some others of the gods are Ancient beyond this Earth and are truly so connected to the Divine will that they truly are gods, especially in comparison to all humans. I will not go about naming which gods are which because it is not wise to rank the gods. Whether or not any given Dran Rashar individual is Ancient or recent, we do not accept anyone calling us gods. We are well aware of the length of evolution we still have to go through.

Several early cultures had a clear distinction between the Most High God and the lesser gods. Each culture interpreted it slightly differently. One such interpretation was that of El Elyon. El Elyon was worshipped by Canaanites and Hebrews early in history. When the Hebrews left Egypt (whether it was a slave rescue or otherwise I'll leave to the historians) they left under the banner of a new god, YHVH (alternately translated as Yahweh or Jehovah, Hebrew letters "Yod He Vav He".) El Elyon is translated as "Most High" and YHVH is translated as "Lord."In later Hebrew culture, the two were mixed. It is unclear whether Moses told them they were one in the same God or if he just introduced YHVH as "this is your God now." The scriptures seem to imply the former, but they were written down long after the supposed time of Moses. In fact, it's unclear if Moses is an actual historical figure or an allegorical one meant to illustrate the change in Hebrew culture from worshipping El Elyon to worshipping YHVH, and the transition from the age of Taurus (the bull, golden calf) to the age of Aries (the ram, ram's horn "shofar", ram sacrifices.) One distinct difference between the assigned character the people gave to El Elyon is that their version of the Most High God would, at least rarely, accept human sacrifices. (Judges Chapter 11, for example.) YHVH makes it clear that such a thing is an abomination. There is even a place in Deuteronomy, 32:8-9, where it seems El Elyon is giving Israel to YHVH as "He" assigned each people to different gods; though, it doesn't mention which other gods got which nations.

Note: Because I could not immediately find the verses I was thinking of, I used Google's search engine and found the following resource: http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Canaanite_Religion I have not evaluated the rest of the information on the site for validity, and only used it as a resource to find verses I was seeking in the Holy Bible.

Whichever way you talk to, worship and enjoy Creator, be it as one God or through many gods and goddesses or even Saints, it is the same Creative force, just expressed through different individuals who are working toward the same goal for humanity.

For more information about YHVH, see the section on Yeshua